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continuous beams, support, vertical displacements of beam nodes, compliance coefficient, force method, equations of five moments, deflection diagrams


In this work there has been studied the rod system operation dependence on the action of
external force effects. The system presents a multi-span continuous beam with elastic yielding
supports. To identify the stress-strain state of the object under study, a precise analytical method
of forces is used. The method of five moments is used as the resolving (canonical) equations. The
final results are the parameters of the stress-strain state for a five-span continuous beam with
variable compliance coefficients on 5 intermediate supports and an absolutely rigid left extreme
support, deflections, bending moments, shear forces, and support reactions.Theoretical provisions
and practical results can be used in the design of load-bearing beam structures in buildings and
various engineering structures.


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How to Cite

Akhmediyev, S. K., Khabidolda, O., Vatin, N. I., Muratkhan, R., & Kutimov, K. S. (2022). PHYSICOMATHEMATICAL MODEL OF CALCULATING CONTINUOUS BEAMS WITH ELASTIC YIELDING SUPPORTS. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 114(2).