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crank press, Delphi, ever mechanism, automatic press,, hybrid press system.


In this article present a new method for investigating the functionality of the crank-slider mechanism for a given coefficient of change in the average speed of the slider and the optimal transmission angle to ensure the most outstanding transfer of force from the input link to the working element (output link). When implementing the technological process оn crank presses, it is necessary to provide a predetermined working cycle of the slider motion: fast lifting, dwell and slow lowering. This mechanism allows for a slow lowering of the working link in the load phase and a fast lifting in the unloading phase of the crank press’s working body. Based on the above method developed a program in the Delphi 7 visual system. Delphi 7 allows you to quickly and easily develop effective applications, including database applications. The system has advanced capabilities for creating a user interface, a wide range of functions, methods and properties for solving applied computational problems. The system has advanced debugging tools that facilitate the development of applications, which allows determining the parameters of the synthesized crank-slider mechanism by the optimal pressure angle and conducting a kinematic analysis of the movement of the links in the dialogue mode.


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How to Cite

Tuleshov, A., Drakunov, Y., Akhmetova, B., Kuatova, M., & Shadymanova, A. (2023). THE CRANK-SLIDER MECHANISM FUNCTIONALITY. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 118(2).