Студенттердiң денсаулық жағдайын бағалау үшiн ақпараттық-талдау жүйесi


  • G. A. Tyulepberdinova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • T. S. Sarsembayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • S. A. Adilzhanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • S. N. Issabayeva Egyptian University of Islamic Culture «Nur-Mubarak», Almaty, Kazakhstan

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Internet of Things, Ambient Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Health monitoring, algorithm, Simulation


The purpose of our work was to study the effectiveness of using an intelligent information- analytical system to assess the health status of students on the basis of one of the universities in Kazakhstan, the Kazakh National University named after Al -Farabi. For this purpose, a simulation was performed using individual health data 4456 university students. The study involved 47.4% of female students and 52.6% of males; the predominant age ranged from 18 to 21 years (66.9%), and the distribution of students by years of study was almost uniform. For classification were used such as Vector Machine, K - Nearest Neighbour, Random Forest and Naive Bayes supports. The performance metrics chosen to evaluate the use of various prediction algorithms were Specifity, Sensitivity, Accuracy, and Accessibility. It has been established that when using the classifier Support Vector Machine ’s Specifity, Sensitivity, Accuracy, and Accessibility scores are at their highest, reaching 97%. The overall performance of the developed intelligent information and analytical system was evaluated using the Reliability parameter. In comparison with other well-known systems for monitoring the health of patients (AmbIGEM and AAL ), the system developed by us showed higher reliability (90-95%). In the future, the developed model can be used to expand health monitoring by including external parameters that can also affect the health of students. In addition, it is planned to introduce Deep Learning to monitor the health of students

in other educational institutions in Kazakhstan and the world.


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How to Cite

Tyulepberdinova, G. A., Sarsembayeva, T. S., Adilzhanova, S. A., & Issabayeva, S. N. (2023). INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE HEALTH STATUS OF STUDENTS: Студенттердiң денсаулық жағдайын бағалау үшiн ақпараттық-талдау жүйесi. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 118(2), 83–94.