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triangular plate, numerical method, grid method, dynamic deflections and forces, variable bending stiffness, bar analogy, frequency spectrum, amplitude-frequency characteristics


In this paper, there are studied the dynamic processes (free and forced oscillations) of isotropic
cantilever plates in the form of an isosceles (wedge-shaped) triangle. In the study, the finite
difference method has been applied using a regular one-dimensional (linear) grid. The finite-
difference equations developed by the authors for point-distributed masses along the length of
the wedge are presented, taking into account the linearly variable bending stiffness. On this basis,
the results of studies in the form of amplitude-frequency characteristics (frequencies, dynamic
forces and deflections) in the resonant and near-resonant regions have been obtained. The content
of theoretical provisions and applied results can be widely used in the scientific and engineering
fields and in the field of mechanics of structures.


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How to Cite

Khabidolda, O., Akhmediyev, S., Vatin, N., Abeuova, L., & Nurgoziyeva, A. (2023). STUDYING DYNAMICS OF A CANTILEVER BAR WITH VARIABLE BENDING STIFFNESS. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 119(3), 77–90.