Complete inductive theory with one countable existentially closed model.


  • A T Nurtazin Казахский Национальный Университет имени аль-Фараби
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полная индуктивная теория, замкнутая модель, теория T


This article is constructed and studied in detail a complete inductive theory with a countable number of pairwise nonisomorphic countable models, among which is a simple existentially closed. It is also proved that it determined all of the major types of atoms, which are existential formulas, and in a class all its models are isomorphic embedding a simple model are elementary


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How to Cite

Nurtazin, A. T. (2012). Complete inductive theory with one countable existentially closed model. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 73(2), 62–70. Retrieved from