Development of link grammar for Kazakh language’s syntactic analysis.


  • Zh M Zhumanov Казахский Национальный Университет имени аль-Фараби
        60 77


синтаксис естественных языков, грамматика связей казахского языка, неглубокий анализ, аффиксная грамматика, грамматика составляющих, грамматика зависимостей, статистический синтаксический анализ.


The paper briefly discusses existing models of natural languages’s syntax and describes link grammar in detail. Its general description is given, an example of link grammar application for Kazakh language is described. Implementation of a link grammar parser is described in detail, and a method for automating the process of grammatical file forming is proposed.


[1] Sleator D.D.K., Temperley D. Parsing English with a Link Grammar // Third International Workshop on Parsing Technologies 64. – 1995. – 91 p.

[2] Dryer Matthew S. Order of Subject, Object, and Verb // In The World Atlas of Language Structures / edited by Martin Haspelmath, Matthew S. Dryer, David Gil, and Bernard Comrie. – Oxford University Press, 2005. – P. 51 – 55.

[3] Dehdari Jon. A Primer for Localizing Link Grammar. 14.06.12


How to Cite

Zhumanov, Z. M. (2012). Development of link grammar for Kazakh language’s syntactic analysis. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 73(2), 71–80. Retrieved from