Hierarchical model for building composite web services



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distributed system, composite web service, DEVS, UML


The current evolution of disseminated computer program frameworks is characterized by a growing adherence to the principles of service-oriented engineering (SOA). Simultaneously, these frameworks are becoming more intricate, with an increasing number of components and more complex data connections between them. This situation underscores the importance of employing mechanisms to unify artifacts in the process of developing composite web services, which govern, among other aspects, the architectural plane of the frameworks under construction. A model for constructing composite web services is suggested as a suitable tool, implemented in accordance with a hierarchical approach, intended for use in designing distributed systems. Model is constructed over an assumption that coordination of the components of a composite web service is carried out in a centralized manner. in accordance with the orchestration model. To implement formalization and obtain, based on analytical representations, the corresponding software implementations, it has been decided to use the DEVS mathematical apparatus. The aspect of software implementation is considered pivotal in determining the feasibility of automating the acquisition of composite
web services that operate within the orchestration model. Obtained research results has been interpreted as a conrmation of the eectiveness of this approach on the basis of the scenario of querying the database. Resulting artifacts have been represented with UML notation. The relationship between analytical representations and corresponding software implementations has also been demonstrated. Usage of the DEVS Suite tools has made it possible to visualize the process of simulation - to obtain estimated values of the indexes of the resulting solutions


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How to Cite

Shkarupilo, . V. ., Lakhno, V. ., Konyrbaev, N., Baishemirov, Z., Adranova, A. ., & Derbessal, A. . (2024). Hierarchical model for building composite web services: . Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 122(2), 124–137. https://doi.org/10.26577/JMMCS2024-122-02-b10