Numerical Investigation of Combustion in Supersonic Flow at the Transverse Injection of Hydrogen


  • Ye Belyayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A Kaltayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A Naimanova Institute of Mathematics, Ministry of Education and Science
  • Harsha K Chelliah University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Charlottesville VA, USA
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supersonic flow, hydrogen combustion, ENO-scheme, seven chemical reactions mechanism


A computational fluid dynamics code for multispecies, Favre-Averaged Naveir-Stokes equations is developed to simulate the turbulent supersonic two-dimensional reacting flow. The explicit ENO scheme of third-order in accuracy has is used to solve the system of equations, together with the algebraic Baldwin-Lomax’s turbulence model to calculate the eddy viscosity coefficient. For the description of reaction pathways of hydrogen, a seven species chemical reaction model by Jachimowski is adopted. Computer code is validated by comparison of the predicted solution with previous simulations of the two-dimensional chemically reacting supersonic hydrogen-air flow, where the fuel is injected in transverse direction to the main air flow via slots located on the wall. Influence of boundary conditions for the temperature on the walls on turbulent mixture is reported.


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How to Cite

Belyayev, Y., Kaltayev, A., Naimanova, A., & Chelliah, H. K. (2012). Numerical Investigation of Combustion in Supersonic Flow at the Transverse Injection of Hydrogen. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 74(3), 81–89. Retrieved from