Numerical investigation of supersonic air flow with perpendicular injection of a gas jet in a plane channel.


  • Ye Belyayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A Naimanova Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling MON RK
  • A Kaltayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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сверхзвуковой поток, струя гелия, турбулентность, к-е модель, Болдуина-Ломакса модель, ENO схема


Numerical investigation of supersonic turbulent flow with perpendicular injection of helium jet is considered. The algorithm of numerical solution is based on the third order of accuracy ENO scheme. The influence of k −ε model, k −ε with compressibility and Baldwin-Lomax’s model on shock wave structure of the flow, supersonic and subsonic zones, on formation of vortex (recirculation) structure in the subsonic zone near wall before and after the jet are investigated. Also, the geometry and flow parameters influence on the separation region near the wall and on the penetration depth of the jet are investigated. The quantitative and qualitative agreement of numerical results with Kramer and Rogers experimental data, particularly, the pressure on the wall was obtained.


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How to Cite

Belyayev, Y., Naimanova, A., & Kaltayev, A. (2012). Numerical investigation of supersonic air flow with perpendicular injection of a gas jet in a plane channel. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 74(3), 90–101. Retrieved from