Cauchy problem for one class of third order ordinary differential equations.


  • Y K Utebayev Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University
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Расчеты в системе Maple, Динамический синтез, Шарнирный четырехзвенник, механизм переменной структуры


The problem of determining the parameters of the machine aggregate consisting of an induction motor and a simple mechanism of hinge four-link chain is considered by minimizing the meansquare value of the sum of the moments of the driving forces, the resistance forces and inertia forces leading to the axis of rotation of the crank for N provisions of the mechanism. During the dynamic synthesis it is often needed to consider the different types of major and minor criteria. These criteria are generally formed by customer of the model of designed mechanism. Knowledge of comprehensive quality criteria will allow to design simple and complex circuits mechanisms optimally and with lowest cost. Calculations were made in the system Maple to solve the dynamic synthesis of slider-crank mechanism.


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[3] Добровольский В.В. О точках Бурместера в сферическом движении. ПММ,1945, т. IX, №6. - С. 480-491.

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How to Cite

Utebayev, Y. K. (2012). Cauchy problem for one class of third order ordinary differential equations. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 75(4), 75–79. Retrieved from