Description of positively existentially closed models in any class of -structures with unary predicates axiomatizable by any h-universal sentence.


  • A M Kungozhin Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        92 42


It was shown that any finitely h-universally axiomatized class of models in unary predicate signature has a finite number of positively existentially closed models, and all them are finite. Proposed the example of a class of models which described by the infinite number of h-universal sentences and its class of positively existential closed models is not elementary.


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[2] Kungozhin A. Description of positively existentially closed models in any class of -structures axioma-tizable by the finite number of h-universal sentences with one quantifier, Preprint.


How to Cite

Kungozhin, A. M. (2011). Description of positively existentially closed models in any class of -structures with unary predicates axiomatizable by any h-universal sentence. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 69(2), 39–43. Retrieved from