The numerical decision of the mixed problem for quasisingle-phase anisotropic grounds


  • F K Yakhiyayev Институт математики и механики КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби
        56 54


In article the numerical decision of the mixed problem is considered with reference to a case of flat deformation of soil files with their account strong and deformation anisotropy. In work the new algorithm with procedure of variable steps on loading with definition of their size from a condition of transfer of a final element in a plastic condition is developed. With reference to step S basic elements of structure of the numerical decision of the mixed problem which is realized in the calculation program are resulted.


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How to Cite

Yakhiyayev, F. K. (2010). The numerical decision of the mixed problem for quasisingle-phase anisotropic grounds. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 65(2), 94–98. Retrieved from