Influence of swirler construction to the "oblique waves" occurrence


  • B. А. Belgibayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. M-M. Dairbayev International University of Information Technologies
        77 39


tangential swirler spillway, the Navier-Stokes equations, differential equation of Rossby, spillways


The paper considers the modes of tangential swirl spillway of the Medeo antimudflow dam. Experimentally proved that the "oblique waves" effect in the initial part of the shaft spillway occurs due to "overlapping" streams of water flow in the tangential swirler. This effect can be eliminated by improving the design of the swirler. The methods of three-dimensional computer modeling and animation were used to calculate and analyze the impact of structural elements of the swirler on the occurrence of "oblique waves" depending on the angle of the bottom shelf of the tangential swirler. A simple and effective design solution based on the example of the Medeo dam provides a rapid transition from the spatial structure of the water flow to an axisymmetric one.


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How to Cite

Belgibayev B. А., & Dairbayev, A. M.-M. (2015). Influence of swirler construction to the "oblique waves" occurrence. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 87(4), 90–96. Retrieved from