Modeling of the Ions Streams by the Method of Particles


  • Anna Sh. Lyubanova Siberian Federal University
  • Konstantin V. Mitin Siberian Federal University
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method of particles, Maxwell’s equations, electrolytic refinement, square-law spline, mathematical model, migratory diffusion


The work is devoted to modeling of flows of the charged particles in an electrostatic field arising in the course of electrolysis between a surface of the cathode and the anode. The mixed method of particles adapted for modeling of the migratory diffusion of a stream of ions in the course of electrolytic refinement is given in the article. At the Eulerian stage potentials of an electrostatic field are modelled by means of Maxwell’s equations. At the Lagrangian stage the motion laws and trajectories of ions are developed in the form of the square-law splines . The results of computer modeling for the electrolytic refinement of copper are given.


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How to Cite

Lyubanova, A. S., & Mitin, K. V. (2015). Modeling of the Ions Streams by the Method of Particles. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 86(3), 14–18. Retrieved from



Mathematical modeling of technological processes