Computer simulations and investigation of the localization of dust particles under the magnetic field


  • Р. У. Машеева al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • К. Н. Джумагулова al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • З. Донко Institute for solid state physics and optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary
  • Т. С. Рамазанов al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Г. Л. Габдуллина al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
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dusty plasma, computer simulations, Verlet algorithm, cage correlation function, microscopic properties, molecular dynamics


Paper presents the results of the computer simulations for investigation of the influence of uniform external magnetic field on the quasi-localization of the particles of the strongly coupled three-dimensional dusty system. Detailed computer simulation and investigation of the physical properties of such system, in which the particles interact with each other via Yukawa interaction potential that takes into account the collective screening effects of the field dust charges surrounded by a buffer gas. Molecular dynamics method was used as a computer simulations method, this method allows to follow the evolution of a system of interacting particles in time by integrating the equations of motion. The Verlet algorithm was used to solve the equation of motion of the particles. The quasi-localization of the particles quantitatively characterized by the cage correlation functions. Also, the derivative of the cage correlation functions were analyzed and the decorrelation time of the particles was derived. It was found that the decorrelation time of the particles increases with increasing of the magnetic field B⃗. The investigations have been performed in a wide range with increasing of the magnetic field B. of the system parameters (screening parameter κ, coupling parameter Γ and strength of magnetic field β).


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How to Cite

Машеева, Р. У., Джумагулова, К. Н., Донко, З., Рамазанов, Т. С., & Габдуллина, Г. Л. (2017). Computer simulations and investigation of the localization of dust particles under the magnetic field. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 89(2), 65–74. Retrieved from