Development of plasticity conditions for isotropic structure of the soil


  • А. Р. Баймахан al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • З. М. Абдиахметова al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • А. А. Сейнасинова Academy of Civil Aviation, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Р. Б. Баймахан Kazakh state women's pedagogical university, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
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anisotropy, soil, plasticity, isotropic plane, angle of inclination, shear stresses


The article discusses the development of new generalized condition of plasticity (strength) with respect to ground anisotropic, in particular for the transversely isotropic soils (transtropic) structure. It is proposed to bring these terms generalize the known condition of plasticity Coulone - Mohr τ_c = C + σ_n tan φ, for two directions: along and across the strike of layers || layers, i.e. for ⊥ direction to the layers with respect to the plane of isotropy for soils that have transtropic structure systematized for the first time A.K. Bugrov and A.I. Golubev. The authors also analyze the possibility of generalization of the plasticity conditions (strength) on the main stress and σ_1 and σ_2 , as well as the critical values of the principal stresses σ_1c and σ_2 , proposed and developed in time for the isotropic structure of soil N.A.Tsytovich and N.S.Bulychev, the following approaches V.Vitke who suggested such criteria as applied to rocks orthotropic structure. These experimental data on the physical-mechanical and strength properties of the anisotropic structure of the soil and on the basis of the proposed new generalized conditions concludes that it is possible to determine the area of soil plasticity transtropic structure.


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How to Cite

Баймахан, А. Р., Абдиахметова, З. М., Сейнасинова, А. А., & Баймахан, Р. Б. (2018). Development of plasticity conditions for isotropic structure of the soil. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 89(2), 94–102. Retrieved from