Numerical Investigation one System Reaction-Diffusion with Double Nonlineari


  • Sh. A. Sadullaeva Tashkent University of Information Technology
  • G. Pardaeva Tashkent University of Information Technology
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reaction, diffusion, self-similar, asymptotic, compactly supported solutions, free boundary, numerical computation visualization


In this paper we demonstrate the possibilities of the self-similar and approximately
self-similar approaches for studying solutions of a nonlinear mutual reaction-diffusion system. The
asymptotic behaviour of compactly supported solutions and free boundary is studied. Based on
established qualitative properties of solutions numerical computation is carried out. The solutions
are presented in visualization form with animation, which allows observing evolution of the studied
process in time.


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How to Cite

Sadullaeva, S. A., & Pardaeva, G. (2018). Numerical Investigation one System Reaction-Diffusion with Double Nonlineari. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 86(3), 58–62. Retrieved from



Mathematical modeling of technological processes