An algorithm forsun illuminated surface areas of intersecting convex polyhedra


  • A. T. Nurtay Назарбаев Университет, Республика Казахстан, г. Астана
        63 40


algorithm, areas, parallel computing


This paper presents a method for finding lighted / windy areas of intersecting convex polyhedra. The constraints in B. Chazelle [3] and S.Hertel [4] algorithms for search intersection lines of polyhedra used in the preparation of data for the presented algorithm imply the restriction on the convexity. The developed algorithm determines the sun lighting of the subject based on the mutual arrangement of the projections of contour cycles and intersections lines. There is no restriction on the convexity in the stage of defining lighted areas with the known lines of intersections. This is a great advantage, since further research allows to remove the restriction on a convexity by changing only the step of searching the intersection lines of surfaces. The developed algorithm is easy to understand and flexible to implement. It has logically justified division into stages, including suitable parts for concurrency management. The possibility of parallel computing is one of the key characteristics of the algorithm for real-time tasks.


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[3] Chazelle B. An optimal algorithm for intersecting three-dimensional convex polyhedral // Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. - SIAM J.Comput.- Vol.21. - No. 4.- pp. 671-696
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How to Cite

Nurtay, A. T. (2018). An algorithm forsun illuminated surface areas of intersecting convex polyhedra. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 84(1), 45–54. Retrieved from