Approaches and problems of data exchange between information systems


  • M. B. Gabbassov System Research Company "Factor", Republic of Kazakhstan
  • T. D. Kuanov System Research Company "Factor", Republic of Kazakhstan
        77 247


data, metadata, data exchange, OLTP, OLAP, namespace


The exchange of data between two or more information systems has always been an urgent and complex task. Over the past three decades, this task has passed its evolutionary path from a manual mode of exchange to the possibility of automatic data exchange between systems. In this paper, various modern technologies are considered for the organization of data exchange between information systems, including between OLTP and OLAP-systems. The description of technologies ETL, MDM and technologies based on namespaces, including "The synchronizer TOFI" , developed in the System Research Company "Factor". The formal notion of "data" used in TOFI technology, the TOFI namespace and the functionality of the TOFI synchronizer for data and metadata exchange are described in detail. Functionally, the synchronizer compares the metadata of various information systems based on coding systems, automatically (on schedule) or manually generates metadata, exchanges metadata with other systems, generates data for transmission to another system, receives and transmits a data set from / to another (s) Information system (s), etc. Data exchange based on the TOFI namespace can be performed in an automatic mode based on metadata synchronization.


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How to Cite

Gabbassov, M. B., & Kuanov, T. D. (2018). Approaches and problems of data exchange between information systems. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 94(2), 59–71. Retrieved from