The calculation value temperature of atmospheric air on the damp thermometer without chart I-d.


  • E. P. Makashev Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • Zh. B. Nalybaeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        63 63


I-d chart, thermometer, humidity, air, enthalpy, temperature,


This article offers one of the most effective ways to calculate value of t emperature with a wet thermometer during the creation of computer programs. Until today, the value’s calculation of air temperature with wet thermometer was carried out using I-d chart. As you know, during the creation of computer programs calculating I-d chart takes time and places in the computer’s memory. The studies were made up the formula t hat calculates without I-d chart. Calculating by this formula helps to save time and places in the computer’s memory


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How to Cite

Makashev, E. P., & Nalybaeva, Z. B. (2014). The calculation value temperature of atmospheric air on the damp thermometer without chart I-d. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 80(1), 66–71. Retrieved from



Mechanics, Mathematics, Computer Science