Perspectives of object databases for storage and protection of information used in Web-applications.


  • A. Yu. Pyrkova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • M. B. Borissenko Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        57 48


object-oriented databases, database performance, web-application s, data protection,


Main principles of protected web-applications development, technolog ies that may be used and types of attacks, against which defence must be provided, are pr esented in this work. Perspectives of object databases use for storing and protecting information that is manipulated from protected web-applications are considered, stren gths and drawbacks of object-oriented database management systems as well as capabiliti es for information protection are analyzed on the example of Intersystems Cach´e. Reasons of relational database management systems’ popularity in the modern world are also considered in this work, as well as actuality and necessity of several their features and capabilities, and which of the necessary characteristics are supported by object database manegement systems as well. Security and encryption protocols are considered in this article, as well as types of keys that are supported by commercial products. Importance of database management systems’ performance is explained for the situation when they are used to store information processed by web-applications. Different data access types are considered a nd their comparative analysis is provided using the example of Java appl ication program accessing information stored in Cache Database. On the base of acquired data , it was found out that object-oriented databases are perspective for use in real modern appli cations. It was also determined, which data access types are preferable in different situation .


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How to Cite

Pyrkova, A. Y., & Borissenko, M. B. (2014). Perspectives of object databases for storage and protection of information used in Web-applications. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 80(1), 83–89. Retrieved from



Mechanics, Mathematics, Computer Science