Quasivarieties of commutative rings


  • A. O. Basheyeva L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan


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quasi-equational theory, undecidable theory, quasi-identity, quasivariety, quasiequational basis, independent quasi-equational bases, recursive independent quasi-equational basis, commutative ring with unit


The work is devoted to the problem of undecidability of quasi-equational theories and to the
problem of finite axiomatizability. In 1966, Tarsky poded the following problem: Is there an algorithm
deciding if the equational theory of a finite set of finite structures is finitely axiomatizabile?
In 1986, Maltsev asked the following question: Are there finitely based semigroups, groups, and
rings with the undecidable equational theory? Nurakunov A.M. (Nurakunov, 2012) established
the existence of continuum many quasivarieties of unars, for which the quasi-equational theory is
undecidable and the finite membership problem is also undecidable. In in the paper (Basheyeva,
2017), some results in this direction are obtained for graphs, differential gruppoids, and pointed
Abelian groups. In the present paper, we prove analogous results for the variety of commutative
rings with unit. We prove also that the quasivariety of commutative rings with unit contains continuum
many of subquasivarieties with the undecidable quasi-equational theoryб for which the
finite membership problem is also undecidable. Apart from trhat, we prove here that the quasivariety
of commutative rings with unit contains continuum many subquasivarieties which have an
!-independent quasi-equational basis but does not have an indepen


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How to Cite

Basheyeva, A. O. (2018). Quasivarieties of commutative rings. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 97(1), 54–66. https://doi.org/10.26577/jmmcs-2018-1-485