Mathematical and numerical modeling of transfer processes in the cleaning of exhaust gases in an automobile neutralizer


  • G. T. Balakayeva al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Sh. Akimbay al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

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neutralizer, catalytic neutralizer, iterative numerical method


Every year, the atmosphere in Kazakhstan is polluted approximately 5-7 million tons of pollutants,
about a third of which belong to the vehicle. Also excess pollution of the air basin of the cities of
the Republic is caused by pollution of pollutants by metallurgy, oil refining and chemical industry
factories, automobile and railway transport. The harmful substances emitted by motor transport
adversely affect the air, water reservoirs, soil and the planet’s biosphere. At Nowadays car engine
consumes about 3 kilogram of atmospheric oxygen when liters of gasoline per 1 kg are burned.
Every car delivers 60 m3 of gas per hour, and the truck produces 120 m3 of gas. These substances
are very dangerous for living organisms and finding solution for the problem of cleaning exhausted
gases is very actual.
The purpose of this article is mathematical and numerical modeling on transfer processes in motorcar
neutralizer with usage modern programming language and modern computing technologies.
The solution of such a problem brings a certain contribution to the protection of the environment
from automobile exhaust gases. The task of cleaning at exhaust gases is investigated, that is to
say catalytic oxidation of exhausted gases automobile neutralizer . The mathematical model there
is a system of differential equations warm and mass transfer including heat generation from the
chemical reaction. The equation system is solved through numerical methods and to create and
develop an algorithm of computing the task of cleaning exhaust gases in automobile neutralizer.


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How to Cite

Balakayeva, G. T., & Akimbay, S. (2018). Mathematical and numerical modeling of transfer processes in the cleaning of exhaust gases in an automobile neutralizer. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 97(1), 127–133.