Complex Software for Numerical Simulation of Convective Flow of Viscous Incompressible Fluid in a Curvilinear Coordinate System


  • N. M. Temirbekov 1D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
  • Y. A. Malgazhadov S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
  • S. O. Tokanova D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
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incompressible fluid, curvilinear coordinate system, convective flow, numerical simulation


In this paper, the development of a complex software for numerical simulation of
convective flow of viscous incompressible fluid in a doubly connected areas in a curvilinear coordinate
system is considered. For the discretization of the physical domain, the technology of construction of
curvilinear structure difference grids using the transfinite interpolation method, the equidistribution
method, and the method of Thompson are presented. In order to test the software, the calculations
for various configurations of the cavity and temperature conditions at the border are conducted


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How to Cite

Temirbekov, N. M., Malgazhadov, Y. A., & Tokanova, S. O. (2018). Complex Software for Numerical Simulation of Convective Flow of Viscous Incompressible Fluid in a Curvilinear Coordinate System. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 86(3), 83–91. Retrieved from



Mathematical modeling of technological processes