Mathematical modeling and control of the process of drilling wells


  • G. Dairbayeva al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. Kabylzhan al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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drilling of wells, flushing-out, drilling speed by rock bit, pressure, mathematical model, regression analysis


This paper considers the process of drilling wells using mathematical modeling. Mathematical models of deepening and flushing-out of wells are used to describe the drilling process. Mechanical speed of drilling bedrock by drill bit is described by the equation proposed by M.G. Bingham [2]. Along with this there is considered a complete mathematical model of the mechanical speed of drilling in view of the hydraulic parameters obtained by applying the least squares method and regression analysis. There is designed computational algorithm for finding the coefficients of full parametric model of drilling, which allows calculating the mechanical speed of drilling for arbitrary data. A comparative analysis of the drilling experimental and computational data is conducted. The paper deals with a mathematical model of the hydraulic flushing of well, based on the total loss of drilling fluid pressure in individual sections of the well. Flushing of well designed, not only to clean the bottomhole from cuttings, but also serves to claying (strengthening) of the borehole walls, cooling and lubrication of the tool, which occur during the motion of liquor. There are explored the pressure losses at various sections of wells depending on the physical parameters.


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How to Cite

Dairbayeva, G., & Kabylzhan, A. (2018). Mathematical modeling and control of the process of drilling wells. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 91(3), 97–108. Retrieved from