Mathematical simulation of passive scalar impurity in the transverse jet


  • A. A. Issakhov al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. R. Baitureyeva al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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Navier-Stokes equations, mass transfer, numerical simulation, air pollution, concentration


The active development of the industry leads to an increase in the number of factories, plants, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants, thereby there are increasing the amount of emissions into the atmosphere. Harmful chemicals are deposited and remain in the ground surface layers of the atmosphere, which leads to a variety of environmental problems which are harmful to human health and the environment. Considering the above problems, it is very important to control emissions, to keep them at a safe level for the environment. That is why it is necessary to investigate the spreading of harmful emissions. The best way to assess is the compilation of the mathematical model of the gaseous substances motion. Such model includes various physical, chemical and weather factors. In the present paper is considered a model problem, which allows to validate the correctness of the chosen mathematical models and numerical solution algorithm. The model takes into account the physical parameters of the materials, allows to calculate the chemical reaction between the reactants and the distribution of mass fractions of emission depending on the wind velocity. The calculations were performed using the ANSYS Fluent software package. In the end there are given results of numerical solutions and the graphs. This task allows to test the existing mathematical model in order to create in the further more accurate model of the emissions distribution in the atmosphere.


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How to Cite

Issakhov, A. A., & Baitureyeva, A. R. (2018). Mathematical simulation of passive scalar impurity in the transverse jet. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 91(3), 109–124. Retrieved from