Modelling of the large-scale cloud dynamics in powerful explosions of a screening consumer in the inhomogeneous atmosphere


  • K. .K. Karzhaubayev K.K. al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • D. .B. Zhakebayev al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. U. Abdibekova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • K. Zh. Zhubat RSE Scientific and Research Center "Garish-Ecology
        85 42


explosion, Proton-M, cloud, turbulence, finite volume method, modelling, LES


In this paper, we consider the dynamics of a large-scale cloud formed in strong explosions in
an inhomogeneous atmosphere, with allowance for turbulent mixing and adiabatic expansion.
Numerical simulation is carried out on the basis of the solution of the three-dimensional filtered
non-stationary Navier-Stokes equation, the continuity equation, the concentration equation, the
enthalpy equation, and the equation of state for compressible media. The modified solver is based
on the OpenFOAM mathematical physics library. To close the basic equations, a viscous model of
turbulence is used. The change in the size of the cloud in the atmosphere is determined depending
on the thermodynamic parameters. The calculation of the explosion energy calculated for the
remainder of the Proton-M carrier rocket was made.


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How to Cite

Karzhaubayev K.K., K. .K., Zhakebayev, D. .B., Abdibekova, A. U., & Zhubat, K. Z. (2019). Modelling of the large-scale cloud dynamics in powerful explosions of a screening consumer in the inhomogeneous atmosphere. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 96(4), 52–64. Retrieved from