Research of oil transportation information systems by main pipeline


  • S. A. Dairbayeva International Information Technologies University
  • А. M. Dairbayev International Information Technologies University
  • B. K. Sinchev International Information Technologies University
  • B. R. Rysbaiuly Международный университет информационных технологий

        159 146


information system, automation, oil pumping process, temperature conditions


The process of pumping highly-viscosity and high pour-point oil during transportation through
main pipelines is a complex technological and technical task, which leads to its detail research. The
paper analyzes the information systems of main oil pipelines and the automation of hot oil pumping
process. The main goal of the research is to show possible ways of creating and designing control
and management systems for oil transportation through the main pipeline. Modern management
systems are divided by type of production, means and methods of processing. All software packages
operate offline and have their own input format, except that real-time monitoring and management
system. The analysis of automated control systems of the oil pumping process is carried out.
Automation of technological processes involves not only the creation of an automated workplace,
but also the protection of equipment from destruction. As a result of the analysis, it was shown
the necessity for create an automated information system that allows structuring numerous data
in the oil pumping process and monitoring the main technological parameters of the pipeline. The
research can be used for development of information systems for monitoring and controlling the
oil transportation process and creating a software product.


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How to Cite

Dairbayeva, S. A., Dairbayev А. M., Sinchev, B. K., & Rysbaiuly, B. R. (2019). Research of oil transportation information systems by main pipeline. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 102(2), 56–68.