Features mathematical modelling of process of movement gas-liquid mixes in deposit chinks Southeast Kamyshitovyj


  • D.Zh. Akhmed-Zaki D.Zh. Akhmed-Zaki D.Zh. Akhmed-Zaki al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • B. K. Sherkeshbaeva Atyrau Institute of oil and gas
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In work on character of movement of a liquid research of influence of key parameters is carried out a vertical pipe (chink) and Southeast Kamyshitovyj taking into account the analysis of currents nearby well to a zone of an oil layer is considered geological-physical characteristics and physic-hydrodynamic properties of breeds of productive layers of a deposit, production characteristics of chinks, on properties of a gas-liquid mix of a deposit.


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How to Cite

D.Zh. Akhmed-Zaki, D. A.-Z. D. A.-Z., & Sherkeshbaeva, B. K. (2019). Features mathematical modelling of process of movement gas-liquid mixes in deposit chinks Southeast Kamyshitovyj. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 64(1), 93–100. Retrieved from https://bm.kaznu.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/640



Computational Mathematics and mathematical modeling