Cloud technologies for the organization of the scientific and educational agro-industrial cluster of the Academgoro dok of Almaty


  • Nurlan Temirbekov Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University
  • Dossan Baigereyev D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University
  • Almas Temirbekov Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби

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integrated distributed information system, Ceph, GlusterFS, digital objects repository, DSpace


The paper analyzes the process of designing and creating an integrated distributed access storage
system for digitized works scientists of research institutes of the Academgorodok of Almaty.
Comparative analysis of two storage systems for storing digitized works, Ceph and GlusterFS.
A description of the software part of the system is presented, which consists of four subsystems:
storage of digital objects, subsystem for managing current research information, subsystem for
integrating distributed information resources, subsystem for access to distributed information
resources based on web technologies. The relationship between subsystems and their integration
is described. The paper defines the requirements for storage of digital objects; a comparative
analysis of open source software has been carried out. The system fully provides the necessary
computational resources for research and educational processes, simplifying the prospect of
its further development, and allows you to build an advanced IT infrastructure for managing
intellectual capital, an electronic library, which will store all the books and scientific works of
Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University and Research Institutes of the Academgorodok
of Almaty.


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How to Cite

Temirbekov, N., Baigereyev, D., & Temirbekov, A. (2019). Cloud technologies for the organization of the scientific and educational agro-industrial cluster of the Academgoro dok of Almaty. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 103(3), 75–89.