Development of a metho d for finding a moisture diffusion co efficient


  • B. Rysbaiuly International IT University
  • Zh. O. Karashbayeva L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

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materials, heat and mass, method, numerical calculation, comparison


In connection with the advent of new building materials, it b ecomes necessary to determine
the thermophysical characteristics of materials. The aim of the work is to develop metho ds for
solving the inverse problems of non-destructive testing materials. The development of metho ds
and verification of its reliability is scientifically and practically imp ortant. Research metho dologies
are development of a metho d, numerical calculations and comparison of results with exp erimental
data. Systems of nonlinear differential equations with partial derivatives of heat and mass transfer
are considered. The b oundary conditions are set taking into account the physics of the pro cess
as much as p ossible. As an additional condition, the measured values of moisture and heat at
the accessible b oundary of the region are taken. The system under consideration is written in a
dimensionless form. First, an auxiliary task is constructed. Conjugate problem derives from it.
The problem is solved by using iterative metho d. On the basis of system of equations of heat and
moisture transfer it was develop ed an approximate metho d for finding the desired value. A software
pro duct is created and numerical calculations are carried out. The result obtained is compared
with exp erimental data of other scientists.The comparison shows a go o d agreement b etween the


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How to Cite

Rysbaiuly, B., & Karashbayeva, Z. O. (2019). Development of a metho d for finding a moisture diffusion co efficient. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 103(3), 103–111.