The approximate equations oscillations of cylindrical shells of variable thickness


  • M. I. Ramazanov E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University
  • A. Zh. Seitmuratov Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
  • L. U. Taimuratova Sh. Esenov Caspian state University of technology and engineering
  • N. K. Medeubaev E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University
  • G. I. Mukeeva Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

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oscillations, rod, rotation, strain, deformation


To date, a huge number of studies have been carried out to bring a three-dimensional problem
to a two-dimensional one by engineering and mathematical methods. But these studies do not
exhaust the problem completely. The solution of this problem for bodies with different geometries
continues today, as evidenced by the publications of domestic, Russian and foreign scientists.
Adjacent to them is the problem of studying the dynamic behavior of circular rods interacting with
the deformable medium on the basis of oscillation equations derived using a rigorous mathematical
apparatus. Approximate equations of oscillation of rod systems above the second order with respect
to the derivatives of the desired function and the theory of oscillations of a circular cylindrical
shell, in particular torsional oscillations, taking into account the inertion of rotation and the
strain of the transverse shear, are devoted to a relatively small number of scientific publications.
The approximate equations of rod systems of variable thickness presented in this paper allow us
to construct approximate theories of oscillation depending on the conditions at the ends of the
rod, on the order of the derivatives sought in the approximate equations and initial conditions.
The results obtained make it possible to formulate boundary value problems in solving particular
problems of oscillations of a cylindrical shell under various conditions at the end of the shell


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How to Cite

Ramazanov, M. I., Seitmuratov, A. Z., Taimuratova, L. U., Medeubaev, N. K., & Mukeeva, G. I. (2019). The approximate equations oscillations of cylindrical shells of variable thickness. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 104(4), 71–84.