Designing smart access for transp orts to the territory of «Turan» University


  • A. Bektemessov Turan University
  • V. E. Vlassyuk Turan University

        119 83


automated access, computer vision, access control, machine learning


With the development of society, the issue of ensuring human security in all its aspects has become increasingly important. This scientific article considers software and technical means for creating automatic recognition of objects, in particular car numbers. Purpose of the work. Development of a system of automatic access of vehicles to the parking area of «Turan» University. This work demonstrates the possibility of using trainee systems at checkpoints, while using a microcomputer RassberryPi 3 Model B, which is characterized by its mobility and modularity. The field of research is computer vision and machine learning used means of mathematical statistics, numerical methods, optimization methods. As a result of the work, a model has been created that demonstrates the operability of the system. The system runs on a mini computer, using a Rassberry camera for number recognition, a servo motor to demonstrate the operation of the access control system. When the camera enters the area of visibility, the reading system is activated, the number is recognized by algorithms and checked by base, and in case of successful check, the barrier is opened. This computer is able to learn further at a real site.


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How to Cite

Bektemessov, A., & Vlassyuk, V. E. (2020). Designing smart access for transp orts to the territory of «Turan» University. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 105(1), 191–197.