Encryption algorithm "QAMAL NPNS" based on a nonpositional polynomial notation


  • R. G. Biyashev Institute of Information and Computational Technologies of the RK MES CS
  • A. Smolarz Lublin University of Technology, Poland
  • K. T. Algazy Al-Farabi Kazakh National University http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3670-2170
  • A. Khompysh Institute of Information and Computational Technologies of the RK MES CS


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cryptography, encryption, S-box, non-positional polynomial notation, SP-network


Pro cessing, storage, and transmission of inform ati on are imp ortant p ro cesses in mo dern so ciety.
The practical application of cryp tography has b ecome an integral part of the life of mo dern so ciety.
In Kazakhstani, for the protection of the electronic information are mainly used fore ign software
and hardware -s oftware to ols . Therefore, the deve lop ment of Kazakhstan cryptographic protection
to ols is c ertai nly necess ary. T his article describ es the new Qamal NPNS encryption algorithm,
which is a mo dification of the previously develop ed Qamal encryption algorithm. The mo dification
lies in the use of a transformation base d on a non-p ositional p olynomial notation (NPN). To
build a new encryption algorithm, an SP-network is also used. The theoretical justification of the
appropriateness of applying the NPN and the results of the analysis of the encryption algorithm
are given. Algebraic cryptanalysis for multiplication in non-p ositional p olynomial notations was
considered separately. The study of the algorithm strength for separate pro cedures showed go o d
results, whi ch suggest the cryptographic strength of th e develop ed algorithm.


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How to Cite

Biyashev, R. G., Smolarz, A., Algazy, K. T., & Khompysh, A. (2020). Encryption algorithm "QAMAL NPNS" based on a nonpositional polynomial notation. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 105(1), 198–207. https://doi.org/10.26577/JMMCS.2020.v105.i1.17