The accounting of inhomogeneity of the soil foundations at arrangement of sand bed.


  • A. Dasibekov Южно-Казахстанский Государственный Университет им. М. Ауезова
  • A. Abzhapbarov Южно-Казахстанский Государственный Университет им. М. Ауезова
        73 59


one-dimensional problem, elasticity, inhomogeneity, soil compaction, modulus of distortion, strain, settlement of soil,


The present work is devoted to a decision of one-dimensional problem of soil compaction,having elastic properties. Here the part of the loading, which is equal in value of structural compressive strength immediately assimilated by soil skeleton. Therefore, an interstitial pressure depends on permeability, compaction and rate of growth of creeping soil distortion. Furthermore, a compacted soil, according to its structure, is heterogeneous. Moreover, a property of inhomogeneity of the soil foundation is taken into consideration through its modulus of distortion, which is changed in depth in the form of the exponential function. For study of the process of compaction of soil mass in such posing under the influence of various outside forces was obtained the series of calculating formulas. By means of those expressions it is possible to determine pressure in an interstitial liquid, strain in the skeleton of heterogeneous compacted soil and vertical displacements of point of the upper surface of earth solid mass for any moment.


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How to Cite

Dasibekov, A., & Abzhapbarov, A. (2013). The accounting of inhomogeneity of the soil foundations at arrangement of sand bed. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 77(2), 71–78. Retrieved from



Mechanics, Mathematics, Computer Science