Development of the information and analytical system of the university


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data, information and analytical system, visualization, data management, university


Today, the introduction of analytical systems into the university management circuit has become a necessary and priority task of higher educational institutions. It was led by the desire of the university management to understand the nature of data to improve the quality of educational services and decision-making. This article discusses the analysis of information systems, comparison of business intelligence platforms, and approaches to designing information and analytical system within the university as one of the key elements of the university’s information infrastructure.

The presented work describes the data architecture of the corporate information systems of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, designing and implementing an information and analytical system at the university and on the Microsoft Power BI cloud business analysis platform. This system integrates all the disparate data of the university’s corporate information systems and transactional data sources. Furthermore, the logic of data extraction, transformation, implementation of visual reporting in Power BI, and the model of role-based access to them are also described.


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How to Cite

Mamykova, Z., Bolatkhan, M., Kopnova, O., Zubairova, M., Surina, N., & Rabat, S. (2021). Development of the information and analytical system of the university. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 112(4).