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Initial bounds for analytic function classes characterized by certain special functions and bell numbers


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Analytic function, Schwarz function, (p-q) Chebyshev polynomial, (p-q) Gegenbauer polynomial, coefficient estimate, Fekete-Szego problem, subordination


In this work, we introduced two new classes of analytic functions dened by the involvement of Galue-type Struve function, modied error function and Bell's numbers, means of q-dierentiation and the subordination principle. Some of the upper estimates obtained are on the initial bounds and the Fekete-Szego inequality.


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How to Cite

Oyekan, E., Lasode, A., & Olatunji, T. (2023). Initial bounds for analytic function classes characterized by certain special functions and bell numbers. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 120(4), 41–51.