Asymptotic expansion of the solution for singular perturbed linear impulsive systems


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singular perturbation, differential equations with singular impulses, small parameter


In this study, a singularly perturbed linear impulsive system with singularly perturbed impulses is considered. Many books discuss different types of singular perturbation problems. In the present work, an impulse system is considered in which a small parameter is introduced into the impulse equation. This is the main novelty of our study, since other works [25] have only considered a small parameter in the differential equation. A necessary condition is also established to prevent the impulse function from bloating as the parameter approaches zero. As a result, the notion of singularity for discontinuous dynamics is greatly extended. An asymptotic expansion of the solution of a singularly perturbed initial problem with an arbitrary degree of accuracy for a small parameter is constructed. A theorem for estimating the residual term of the asymptotic expansion is formulated, which estimates the difference between the exact solution and its approximation. The results extend those of [32], which formulates an analogue of Tikhonov’s limit transition theorem. The theoretical results are confirmed by a modelling example.


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How to Cite

Dauylbayev, M., Akhmet, . M., & Aviltay , . N. (2024). Asymptotic expansion of the solution for singular perturbed linear impulsive systems. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 122(2), 14–26.