Development of an encrytion library to ensure security in the internet of things


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homomorphic encryption, confidential data protection, IoT devices, ARM microcontroller, cryptography


 The article explores the primary applications of homomorphic encryption. A review of existing solutions revealed that current libraries only handle bits or bit arrays and do not support operations like division and subtraction. However, real-world problems require the capability to perform integer-based operations. This gap highlighted the necessity for developing homomorphic division and subtraction functionalities, along with the creation of a custom library for working with integers. A method for performing homomorphic division and subtraction on encrypted data is proposed. Using this method and architecture as a foundation, a library was developed to support homomorphic operations on integers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This significantly enhances the potential applications of homomorphic encryption. The article also provides execution time measurements for various operations on encrypted data and evaluates the efficiency of the developed library

Author Biographies

Zh. Temirbekova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Temirbekova Zhanerke Erlanovna– PhD, Associate Professor at Faculty of Information Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail:

Z. М. Abdiakhmetova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Abdiakhmetova Zukhra Muratovna (corresponding author)– PhD, Associate Professor at Faculty of Information Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail:

S. Tynymbayev, International University of Information Technologies, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Tynymbayev Sakhybay– Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of International University of Information Technologies (Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail:

S. Altynbek, Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Astana, Kazakhstan

Altynbek Serik Atakonysuly– PhD, Vice-Rector for Research and External Relations of the K.Kulazhanov Kazakh University of Technology and Business (Astana, Kazakhstan, e-mail:;

G. Ziyatbekova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute of Information and Computational Technologies SC MSHE RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Gulzat Ziyatbekova– PhD, Associate Professor Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Faculty of Information Technology (Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail:


How to Cite

Temirbekova, Z., Abdiakhmetova Z. М., Tynymbayev, S., Altynbek, . S. ., & Ziyatbekova, G. . (2025). Development of an encrytion library to ensure security in the internet of things. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 124(4), 103–122.