An application of the hybrid methods to the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of second order


  • G Yu Mehdieva Baku State University
  • M N Imanova
  • V R Ibrahimov
        85 46


задача Коши, обыкновенные дифференциальные уравнения


Here for solving ODE of the second order we construct a new class of hybrid methods of multistep type. Taking into account that implicit methods are more precise we consider a question on definition of implicit character of hybrid methods and construct methods with the order of accuracy p = 6 for k = 2.


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How to Cite

Mehdieva, G. Y., Imanova, M. N., & Ibrahimov, V. R. (2012). An application of the hybrid methods to the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of second order. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 75(4), 46–54. Retrieved from



Computational Mathematics and mathematical modeling