A degree value of convergence of iteration algorithms foe equation of incompressible liquid in variables (ψ,ω)


  • F S Amenova ВКГТУ им. Д. Серикбаева, г. Усть-Каменогорск
        104 37


In this paper investigate the method of a priori estimates of the convergence properties of various of iterative algorithms for solving one-dimensional finite-difference equations of an incompressible fluid variables "stream function-vorticity". The boundary values for the vorticity in the form of a formula selected Tom. A prior estimate of convergence degree of iteration algorithms has been received.


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How to Cite

Amenova, F. S. (2011). A degree value of convergence of iteration algorithms foe equation of incompressible liquid in variables (ψ,ω). Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 71(4), 41–47. Retrieved from https://bm.kaznu.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/218