Research automation of fibrous composite materials elastic-plastic deformation


  • A. M. Polatov Национальный университет Узбекистана им.М.Улугбека, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
        80 37


computer model, algorithm, software, computer experiment, fiber composite, elastic-plastic state, toughness


This paper describes the computer simulation of unidirectional fiber composite materials elastic- plastic deformation. To this end, developed efficient algorithms: formation of finite element mesh of elementary sub-areas; association sub-areas; determining the initial front and ordering numbers of nodes based on a modified front method; constructing the coefficients of the stiffness matrix of finite elements; forming resolving a system of equations on the basis of the progressive training data for each node individually; solving systems of equations by method of square roots with the symmetrically-band structure of the coefficient matrix; display on the screen a picture of the stress-strain state of the object. A set of tools to automate the process of designing new fiber composite materials and structures with predetermined mechanical properties is developed. To achieve this goal developed Computer Aided Engineering: building a finite element mesh areas (pre-processing); solving the problem of elastic-plastic deformation of composites (processing); visualization of calculation results (post-processing). This structure allows: to conduct computational experiments in the design of new composite materials and structures; investigate the effect of structural features on the structural strength of the material; to make recommendations to improve the bearing capacity and reduction of material structural elements. Technology calculation,computational algorithms and specialized software package together form the concept of predicting the structural parameters of the designed fiber composite materials and the strength of structural elements. Described the structure and functioning of specialized software. Composite materials elastic-plastic analysis results are presented.


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How to Cite

Polatov, A. M. (2018). Research automation of fibrous composite materials elastic-plastic deformation. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 84(1), 107–119. Retrieved from