The uniform lower bound of solutions of nonlinear system of differential equations


  • Zh. Т. Moldabek Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, Алматы
  • T. М. Aldibekov Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, Алматы
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linear differential systems, singular exponents, nonlinear differential systems, bound of the solutions


We study non-linear system of differential equations in finite-dimensional vector space with the method of the first approximation. A system of the first approximation were considered, i.e. a linear system of differential equations with continuous and tending to zero coefficients on infinite interval. Singular exponents of a linear system of differential equations, in this case taking the critical ie, zero values, so are unsuitable for use. The paper defined the generalized special lower rate of a linear system of differential equations with continuous and tending to zero coefficients. We present an equivalent definition of a generalized special low index of a linear system of differential equations with continuous and tending to zero coefficients. Applying a generalized lower specific indicator of a linear system of differential equations with continuous and tending to zero coefficients obtained uniform lower estimate of solutions of differential equations solving the nonlinear system in a certain class of nonlinear differential systems. Powered sufficient condition for the instability of the zero solution of nonlinear differential equations.


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How to Cite

Moldabek Z. Т., & Aldibekov T. М. (2018). The uniform lower bound of solutions of nonlinear system of differential equations. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 92(4), 46–54. Retrieved from