Synthesis of nonlinear multiply control system based on geometric approach summary


  • О. I. Shiryayeva Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I.Satpaev
  • L. К. Abzhanova L.K. Kazakh National Technical University after K.I. Satpayev
        69 66


multiply input - multiply output control system, nonlinear system, geometric approach, energy system


This article focuses on the synthesis of control for nonlinear multivariable energy facility on
the basis of the geometric approach. For complex energy management systems the subject
of decentralization procedure applied. Based on the methodology for the geometric approach
decomposed system derived the condition of having a linear equivalent of nonlinear systems.
The basis of the conditions of the procedure is proof of the formation of nonlinear multiply
connected systems of vector fields. To do this, the original system appears to decompose in
the canonical form Brunovsky. Synthesis based on geometric approach nonlinear control systems
multiply realized by obtaining linear equivalents conditions involutiveness not vanishing operators
Lie at the equilibrium point and its surroundings, are linearly independent operators Lie at the
equilibrium point and its surroundings.


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How to Cite

Shiryayeva О. I., & Abzhanova L.K. L. К. (2018). Synthesis of nonlinear multiply control system based on geometric approach summary. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 92(4), 109–117. Retrieved from