Identification of boundary conditions of a differential operator


  • B. E. Kanguzhin al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • G. Dairbayeva al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zh. Madibaiuly Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering named after Academician U.A. Zholdasbekov

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boundary conditions, correct narrowing


This pap er consists of three parts. To achieve uniqueness of the solution of the B max u = h
indicated inhomogeneous equation, it is necessary to narrow the domain of definition of the
maximum op erator. The narrowing usually o ccurs due to b oundary conditions. Thus, a class of
correct restrictions of the maximum op erator arises. In the second part of the article, we give
the pro of of Theorem 1 and the justification of the pro cedure for recovering b oundary functions
{ σ 2 ( t ) , . . . , σ n ( t ) } . In the third part of the article, we separately consider the case of reconstructing
two-point boundary value problems from a finite set of eigenvalues and give illustrative numerical
examples of approximate calculations of the coefficients of the boundary conditions. Note that the
problem of recovering boundary functions { σ 2 ( t ) , . . . , σ n ( t ) } from the procedure we have proposed,
the linear problem. This fact is not obvious if the initial set of boundary functions is restored { σ j k } .


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How to Cite

Kanguzhin, B. E., Dairbayeva, G., & Madibaiuly, Z. (2019). Identification of boundary conditions of a differential operator. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 103(3), 13–18.