To geometry of integrable distributions in En


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Λn ij is the tensor, Rij pq is the scalar curvature of the hyperdistribution, geodesic unidistributions of the line Δ(y)


The proposed work is devoted to the identification and study of multidimensional networks
constructively connected by distribution. In the initial approach to the selection of networks,
the vector of average distribution curvature is essentially used. Therefore, such a separation is
feasible only in metric spaces (in the work this question is studied in Euclidean n-space). The
article investigates the conditions for the existence of canonical distributions of planes belonging
to the tangent plane of the surface of Euclidean space. This article introduces the concept of
parallel site transfer along integral unidistribution curves. The statement is proved that vector
fields are collinear if and only if the geometric object has a zero curvature tensor.
Differential equations of unidistribution are derived and a necessary and sufficient condition is
found for the geodesic line of unidistribution to be flat, and conditions are found under which the
integral curves of unidistribution are curvature lines with respect to unidistribution. The statement
is proved that the line will be geodesic if and only if its main normals coincide with the normals of
the surface on which this line is located. Differential equations of a geodesic flat line are obtained.


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How to Cite

Nurpeyis, Z., Talasbayeva, Z. T., & Mazhitova, A. D. (2019). To geometry of integrable distributions in En. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 104(4), 63–70.