Simulation of Supersonic Flows with the Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
This paper presents a formulation of the NSCBC (Navier- Stocks characteristic boundary conditions) for the problem of turbulent supersonic gas flow in a plane channel with a perpendicular injection jets. The non-reflection boundary conditions for direct modeling of compressible viscous gases are studied through boundaries for the subsonic inflow and subson- ic non-reflection outflow situations. Verification of the constructed algorithm of boundary conditions is carried out by solving a test problem of perpendicular sound of jets injection into a supersonic gas flow in a plane channel at different three inflow Mach Numbers (M1 = 2.75,M1 = 3.75 and M1 = 4.75.).Библиографические ссылки
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Как цитировать
Abdalla, A., Naimanova, A. Z., & Kaltayev, A. (2011). Simulation of Supersonic Flows with the Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions. Вестник КазНУ. Серия математика, механика, информатика, 70(3), 62–69. извлечено от