The Existence of a Generalized Solution Model of Inhomogeneous Fluid in a Magnetic Field


  • Layilya Tukenova T. Ryskulov New Economic University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Aigul Skakova T. Ryskulov New Economic University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
        82 38

Кілттік сөздер:

permeability, fluid flow rate, conductivity, boundary value, unimproved estimation


We consider the generalized solutions of the non-homogeneous fluid in a magnetic field.
Proved a theorem for a generalized solution of an inhomogeneous liquid in a magnetic field .In
this article we examine the method of fictitious areas for the non-liner hyperbolic equations. The
estimation of rate of convercence decisions is recaived. In some cases the unimproved estimation of
convergence rate of the decision is received

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Как цитировать

Tukenova, L., & Skakova, A. (2018). The Existence of a Generalized Solution Model of Inhomogeneous Fluid in a Magnetic Field. Қазұу Хабаршысы. Математика, механика, информатика сериясы, 86(3), 92–105. вилучено із



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