Evolution equations of multi-planet systems with variable masses



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variable mass;, perturbation theory;, evolutionary equations;, exoplanetary systems;, Poincare elements


In celestial mechanics and astrodynamics, the study  of the  dynamical evolution of exoplanetary systems is the   relevant topics.    For today more than 3,000 exoplanetary systems are known. In this paper, we study the dynamic evolution of extrasolar systems, when the leading factor of evolution  is the variability of the masses of gravitating bodies. The problem of spherically symmetric bodies with  variable masses is considered in a relative coordinate system, this bodies inter-gravitating according to Newton's law. The quasi-elliptical motions of planets whose orbits do not intersect during evolution are investigated. It is believed that the mass of bodies under consideration  varies isotropically by various known laws with different velocities. The mass of the parent star is considered to be the most massive than its planets and the origin of the relative coordinate system is in the center of the parent star.. Due to the variability of the masses, the differential equations of motion become non-autonomous and the task is difficult. The problem is investigated by methods of perturbation theory. The canonical perturbation theory based on a periodic motion over a quasi-canonical section is used.  Canonical equations of motion are obtained in analogues of the second Poincare system, which are effective in the case when the analogues of eccentricities and the analogues of the inclination of the orbital plane of planets are sufficiently small.  The secular perturbations of the planets, which determine the behavior of the orbital parameters over long time intervals, are studied.

The evolutionary equations of many planetary systems with isotropically varying masses in analogues of the second system of Poincare variables are derived in an analytical form which are obtained using the Wolfram Mathematica computer algebra system. This takes into account the effects of the decreasing mass of the parent star and the growth of the masses of the planets due to the accretion of matter from the remnants of the protoplanetary disk. For the three-planetary problem of four bodies with variable masses, the evolutionary equations in dimensionless variables are obtained explicitly. In the future, these results will be used to study the dynamics of the three-planet system K2-3 in the non-stationary stage of its evolution.


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How to Cite

Minglibayev, M., & Kosherbayeva, A. (2022). Evolution equations of multi-planet systems with variable masses. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 116(4). https://doi.org/10.26577/JMMCS.2022.v116.i4.04