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initial-boundary value problem, heat equation, boundary control, Green’s function, Fredholm integral equation of the second kind, spectral properties, eigenfunction, eigenvalues


In this paper, we study the issue of boundary control of the temperature field of a rod with a selected point. The main purpose of the work is to clarify the conditions for the existence of a boundary control that ensures the transition of the temperature field from the initial state to the final state. Relations connecting the boundary controls with the initial and final states, as well as with the external temperature field are found. Such boundary controls, generally speaking, constitute an infinite set. For an unambiguous choice of the boundary control, a strictly convex objective functional is chosen. We are looking for a boundary control that minimizes the selected target functional. To do this, we first investigate the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the initial boundary value problem and the conjugate problem. And also, we present the derivation of a system of linear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind, which are satisfied by an optimal boundary control that minimizes a strictly convex target functional on a convex set. Along the way, the linear part of the increment of the target functional is highlighted. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the minimum of a smooth convex functional on a convex set are established. The difference between the results of this work and the available ones is that in the proposed work, the temperature field is given by the heat conduction equation with a loaded term. As a result, the conjugate problem has a slightly different domain of definition than the domain of the conjugate problem in the case of no load.


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How to Cite

Imanberdiyev, K. B., Kanguzhin, B. E., Serik, A. M., & Uaissov, B. (2022). BOUNDARY CONTROL OF ROD TEMPERATURE FIELD WITH A SELECTED POINT. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 114(2).